Contemporary art music, folk/jazz and music for theatre.
With a bachelor degree in composition from The school of Music and Theatre in Örebro, Sweden she has found a little universe of sound and melodies where she sees herself as an inquisitive explorer. Classical influences from Sergej Prokofjev to Caroline Shaw in combination with Nordic / Baltic jazz- and folkmusic has a great impact on her writing, regardless genre. As a vocalist, she‘s often thinking of the instruments as voices concerning phrasing, breathing and interpretation. Every instrument should "sing". All of this along side with a love for the perfoming arts and storytelling is the core of her craftmanship and creativity.
Three miniatures for string quartet
RUM was first written for Stenhammar Quartet during her studies, but has also been played by Wirénkvartetten and Malvakvartetten (Malva Quartet, performing in the video). The first movement Disken (The Dishes) and the last movement Drömmen (The Dream) is written in a very direct manner, while the the second movement Dramat (The Drama) is not as literally. It has been altered many times since it was written in 2018 and Malva is playing the final version (2022). The recording is a collaboration between Malva and Swedish Society of Composers. Musicians are Linnea Viklund, Knapp Brita Pettersson, Maria Jonsson and Maja Molander.Den älskande
mixed choir (2022)purchase score
chamber orchestra (2020)
Här fanns vatten
violin, clarinet and piano (2020)
Fortfarande letar jag vågen
upper voices SSAA (2016)
purchase score
Den blomstertid nu somnar
Folk / Jazz project
I am your Light
I am your Daughter
and I am your Wife
I am your Hatred
I am your Spine
I am your Mother
and I am your Lover
I am your Shepherd
I am your Doubt
I am your Brother
and I am your Sight
I am you Pleasence
I am your Mind
I am your Father
and I am your Harbor
I am your Sacred Child
I am your Sacred Child
I am your Sacred Child
Livesession, Ställbergs gruva
Den blomstertid nu somnar (The flowering time is falling asleep) is a take on the hymn Den blomstertid nu kommer (possibly Swedish folkmelody, composer unknown). The project was developed in Ställbergs gruva in Bergslagen during a residency in 2023. It consists of different songs in a folk/jazztradition with some input from contemporary art music. All compositions are based on biblical metaphors and sacral themes in different ways. The musicians in the projects are:
Kristin Kennemark (folkmusician, violin)
Alice Klint (folkmusician, violin)
Oskar Cederblad (jazzmusician, drums)
Martin Bohman (jazzmusician, double bass)
Linnea Landström (vocals, keys, compositions)
Härliga Jorden
Livesession, Ställbergs gruva
Vägen / The tripMusic for theatre
Vägen (The trip) premiered at Verket / Avesta Art in 2023 by the small theatre company Ett Musikteater. Script by Anis Hamdoun, director Martin Ahlvin and original music by Linnea Landström. Verket was once an ironwork and nowadays a center for culture, art and sound. Vägen is taking place in two parallell worlds - a warzone in Homs, Syria and with Ramie - somewhere in the west. The production and orginal music for strin quartet was made possible by funding from the Swedish arts counsil. Listen to snippets from the production:
Slutet / The end